we had a great team 5 pretty major pervs a boss who really did not understand the technology too well and a cool female was not onto our perveyness but was determined to do her job. It was a real phun job for awhile, and little did they know that people behind the camera were bigger pervs than the ones we were looking for. It was found on a messege board that mens room was a regular metting area for guys on the DL to get freaky with each other. This was the early says of interwebs and some of its true potential was being seen. flasher/jakers, upskirt shooters with shoe cams and that kinda shit. WE'd catch pervy dudes all the time doing shit like that. You can go only so long b4 you stop watching the merch and start watching the jb and milfs. Basically 3 guys sitting in a room looking at 100's of cameras. Wrked my way through college as a retail security detective, not the uniform losers that walk around the main mall, the ones that r hired by the main retailers to work in the store. This stated out as a response to another post, I felt that it deserved its own thread, so here goes.